- Leak-proof, pressure-resistant, drift-free, wear free...all provides a 100% maintenance-free solution with no pressure loss.
- Benfits include a large, backlit LCD screen, anti-noise deflector technology, automatic fluid control technology, and online diagnostics
- Pipe Material: All common materials (ultrasonic conductible) such as steel and plastics
- Pipe sizes from 1/2" to 240" with liquid flow velocities from +/-98 ft/sec and an accuracy up to +/- 1%
- Five point factory calibration with certificates from IP, CE, and ATEX
- Installation and set up is fast and easy---less than five minutes
- Parameters calculator provides flowrate accurately based on pipe size and velocity and includes Reynolds number calculation
- Power supply is an integrated rechargeable battery ( approx 5 hour charge) with 115VAC Adapter
- Integrated data logger with 2GB of memory will log both flow measurements and totalizers
- US and metic units available through keypad menu display
- Diagnostic functions include Acoustic velocity, signal strength, SNR, signal quality, amplitude, energy. Oscilloscope function allows graphical display and analysis of signals.