- Measure and Record the following parameters:
- Spikes (Disturbances, Tran-sients, High speed events, etc...)
- Voltage Quality (Surges, Sags, Brownouts, Black Outs)
- Power Levels (Frequency, Voltage, Current active/ reac-tive/apparent power, power factor)
- Phase Information (Voltage unbalance ratio, Current unbalance ratio)
- Harmonic Information (Voltage, Current and Power Harmonics up to the 50th order, inter-harmonic voltage & current, Harmonic phase angle, THD, THD-F, THD-R, K factor)
- Flicker (Measures Pst & Plt flicker to international standards)
- High Frequency Transient Detection and Waveform Display: Continually samples voltage inputs at a rate of 2 Million Samples per Second and can detect, record and display waveforms of high speed/high voltage transients 0.5 micro-seconds or longer(up to 2000 Vpk)